Sunday, December 18, 2016

Week One - Day Five

I realized I started the post for yesterday, but didn't post it. So, instead of doing a day four I'm just going to move onto day five. 

Yesterday: I didn't have my daily shake but I had an overall healthy eating day. I found a really yummy healthy lemon chicken on Pinterest. Yesterday was also a rest day, so, I didn't workout but I did stay very active doing things around the house. 

Now onto today! I'm going back to work on Monday, which means I need to get a ton of stuff done. My list to get done before I start back is: 

Laundry- caught up, folded & put away
Dinner- prep 2-3 dinners so I don't have a lot of prep work to do when I first go back
Clean/re-org office space- I work from home and I haven't been in my office for 8 weeks, so, I need to get in there and do a quick once over
Trash- today is trash day (if the weather clears up) I will run it to the dump
Wrap x-mas gifts- I want to have all the gifts wrapped so I'm not worrying about this Thurs & Fri
Pack up my maternity clothes- I'm no longer in them so there is no reason to have them in my closet anymore
General Cleaning- I want to do a general deep clean around the whole house, so, Monday evening I'm not stressing

I'm also drinking my yummy shake this morning. I had to throw the berries away because they were really disgusting. So, I'm back to my green shakes. I used spinach, apples, pears, honey, chia seeds and cinnamon.

Since I'm positing in the morning, I'll try to do a quick post this evening with an update on my list. If I can't, then you'll get the update tomorrow.

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