Thursday, December 15, 2016

Week One- Day 2

Day 2 and I'm still going strong. I got up at 6 am when my son started to fuss for breakfast, got him fed and then hit the ground running this morning with my workout and got my list ready for shopping.

Like most people in this economy, I pinch my pennies, shop sales and use coupons. Even with both my husband and I working, we still struggle some months to make ends meet. This is the most frustrating feeling because we try so hard to pay all of our bills in full, on time and put some money in our savings account. We both have student loans, a car payment, a mortgage and our utility bills. In addition to making the minimum payment on our loans, I try to put a little extra toward at least one loan of our student loans. By doing this even, I've been able to pay off one of our student loans 3 years early. I had to stop paying extra for the last two months because I am on maternity leave right now and I have a reduced salary coming in. Starting in January I'll be able to restart this and hopefully I'll be able to pay off another loan in 2017.

Well, enough about my financial rant, sometimes I just start typing and go off in a random direction.

So, my workout went well. I again had to make some adjustments which were:

Plank- 30 sec
Wall Sit- 15 sec
Push ups- 6 modified
Lunge kicks- 14 ea side

There were less modifications then yesterday, so, I take that as a win!

I've also pulled out my old fitbit. I'm hoping to use it everyday to track my activity. I had to stop using it because the band made me break out into a weird rash. I've bought a metal bracelet that will hopefully allow me to wear it.

My shake today was spinach, frozen mixed berries, honey, cinnamon and chia seeds. My shakes will be very berry heavy for the next week. I had a freezer mishap and they started to thaw. So, I need to use them quickly.

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