Sunday, January 15, 2017

New Years Resolution

Like I said yesterday, I have had some challenges with keeping up on the blog. I'm going to try and do at least one post a day because I really want to make a go at blogging. So, today's post is going to be about the workout routine I stopped doing after two weeks. Unfortunately, I was so overwhelmed with going back to work and taking care of my little bug that it fell by the wayside. Then two weeks ago when my dishwasher broke, it fell even further down the list of things on my to do list.

So, my New Years resolution is to start a fast and simple work out plan that is easy and can be built upon. I've searched Pinterest and found one that looks doable without a lot of fuss. It's 4 exercises done 4 times. It can't get much simpler then that. I will set a goal of doing the workout at least 4 times a week and adding in some cardio by walking (weather permitting). Since there is a theme of the number 4,  I'm going to do the work out for 4 weeks and see if it had any results. I'll report back weekly on my progress, The workout I found is below, It is from the site She Rocks Fitness, which can be found here,

Back At It…She ROCKS Workouts:

**Note: I am not being compensated in anyway to review this.

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