Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Dishwasher Disaster Averted

Phew, we didn't lose power. We did get a lot of sleet and freezing rain and only about 2 inches of snow.

Today's post is about my dishwasher (almost) Disaster. In one of my prior posts I mentioned that my dishwasher broke. This is a perfect example of researching all of your options before you go for the most expensive one.

On Sunday, three weeks ago, after cooking up multiple meals for the week, I ran the dishwasher and thought it sounded funny. When it finished, the dishes were not clean. Turns out the funny noise was the dishwasher unsuccessfully trying to draw water.  So, not only did I have two full dishwasher loads of dishes but my husband had to go to work. So, I was alone with all those dishes and my little man. After a frantic call to my step-father-in-law, who is a handy man, and about 10 minutes of poor-pitiful me, I started in on the dishes. I had to stop often for my little guy, so, it took me hours to get them all done.

My step-father-in-law was able to come up the next Friday to look at it.  He wasn't sure what was wrong but felt that it might be the float valve. So, I ordered the Switch Flood Assembly, its what GE calls the float valve on this model. It came in the mail on Saturday and my step-father-in-law came up the next day. He was able to switch the part out in about 10 minutes and my dishwasher was fixed. I was so thankful, it had been three weeks of doing dishes by hand, that I started to tear up. I was also grateful we could get it fixed for a fraction of the cost of a new one. I got the part directly from GE & with shipping it only cost $52.20.

The switch flood appeared to have some type of build-up on it and had the float had stopped moving. So, it wasn't opening to pull water in. The part itself doesn't seem damaged, so, I'm going to try and clean it with vinegar. If it seems to work, I'll save it as a spare in case this ever happens again.

Being able to find a cost effective replacement part was such a relief! My husband and I are trying to cut our expenses, so, having to buy a new dishwasher would have been a huge hit to our budget.


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