Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Picking a Coupon Storage Method

Couponing is a helpful way to save money. It can help you build and maintain your stock pile and if done right can keep your grocery bill down. But, and this is a big BUT, don't think it's going to be anything like the show Extreme Couponing. That show is about people who spend hours a day finding their coupons, planning their sales, buying coupons online and some of the time even doing things that are barred by the store's coupon policy. When you see them go through the line with 20+ coupons for the same item that all get doubled, that's not real. Most stores will only double a small number of the same coupon. The stores in my area will only double 4 of the same coupon and will only accept 10 of the same coupon.

The first step to couponing is come up with a storage system that works for you. There are many different options and methods. You'll want to pick one that works for you because picking the system that right for you will help you stick with it. Three of the most widely used methods are the index card holder, 3-ring binder, file folders, or you can purchase a small expandable file folder specifically designed for coupons. You can find one pretty inexpensively on Amazon. 

The index card holder is pretty simple, you can buy everything you need pretty inexpensively. You'll need a plastic index card holder or other small box and dividers that can be labeled. The dividers can be index cards, specially bought dividers, or even pieces of cardboard sitting in your recycling. With this method the coupons are usually lose or clipped together with a paper clip. In order to find them you'll have to thumb through the coupons in that section. This system is basically the homemade version of a store bought coupon organizer or coupon expandable file folder.

The file folder system use manila file folders that can then be separated even further with the hanging file folders. Those that use this method usually store all of their folders in something like a file tote. Usually with this system you do not cut the coupons out and you organize them by the date that the insert came out. You can read more about this system and how it works by going to Frugal Living NW. This system always seemed like a waste to me, you can't see the coupons and you have to rely on someone else telling you about the deals. Also, you can't bring the coupons to the store with you, which can cost you deals, because some of my best buys  were from using coupons on the clearance rack items or items that are reduced to clear.

The system I use is the 3-ring binder. Like the other two it's pretty easy to set up. Get a 3-ring binder, dividers and some inserts. For inserts I use baseball card holders and recently found some inserts specifically made for coupons. These have multiple size pockets that perfectly fit most coupons that are available in the paper. You can easily carry this into the store, it sits nicely in the front basket and all of the coupons you have are at your finger tips.

The next step to getting started with couponing is finding coupons. If you don't already subscribe to the Sunday newspaper you don't have to sign up. Couponing is not for everyone and the goal of it is to save money. So, start off with internet coupons you can find them at Smartsource.com, coupons.com, redplumb.com, the Betty Crocker website and so many more. There are times I even type a product name followed by the word coupon into Google to see if there is one available. You can find some great blogs that way.

One piece of advice, only clip the coupons you will use. Clipping every coupon in the paper or from a website, is a waste of time and if you're printing them out, a waste of your ink and paper.  There are always items that you won't use, like cat litter, if you don't have a cat what good is a cat litter coupon.

I hope this helped give you ideas and inspire you. Tomorrow I'll do a post of some basic do's and don'ts of couponing.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Frugal Things That Stuck

As I discussed in my prior post, I fell off the frugal/thrifty wagon, but there were some frugal things that I started that just stuck. I'm going to discuss some of them here and how easy they are to do.

1. Cutting dryer sheets: Because I have super sensitive skin I only use Bounce Free and Clear sheets. After a few rashes from other brands, I won't switch because I know that this brand will not give me a nasty surprise. One way to save money is buy them when you have a good coupon and cut them up. Dryer sheets are to reduce the static in your clothes from the dryer. Using a whole sheet isn't necessary. I cut them into thirds, tripling the number of loads I can do. For my photos I used an 80 count box, so, instead of 80 loads I'll have 240 loads. Be aware that in the winter you may need to use 2 pieces because it's so dry, but even with this you'll still get extra bang for your buck.

2. Not being brand loyal. Now, I know just above I said I only used Bounce, well that is just about the only brand that I'm 100% loyal to. I can usually use an item as long as it is fragrance free for sensitive skin. I always compare prices to all the brands on a shelf for the product I want. I do not buy name brand unless its on a great sale. Most store brand items are just as good. 

3. Shopping the Clearance racks! I know most people will skip right over these because they feel there is something wrong with the product, especially food. Well, in most cases that's absolutely false! Two weeks ago I found boxes of Rice A Roni for .85 per box. Why, because the boxes were banged up. It looks like they something fell on them but none of the boxes were open, so even though they were dented the food was still good. Keep in mind if you use coupons, bring them with you to the store. Most stores will allow you to still use coupons on clearance items, making it an incredible buy. 

4. Asking yourself, why do I need this. When making a purchase I always ask myself this, even with food that's not on my grocery list. If you can't answer it with something like, I just remembered I'm out or it's something that my family uses a lot and its on a surprise sale, or on the clearance rack and I can stock up to save money in the future, then you probably shouldn't get it. Now, I'm not saying don't treat yourself or splurge occasionally, what I'm saying is don't buy lobster or steak at the highest price while wandering thru the store trying to find dinner. It will kill your budget. 

5. Making a weekly meal plan and doing all your shopping at once. I've tried to keep up with this but fell off for a while during the last part of my pregnancy. I've recently got back into it and can already see the payoffs again. Meal planning isn't all that hard, look at what you have in your house, check the flyer for the local store and come up with meals you know you like. If you want to be adventurous pick 1 meal you haven't tried before, don't do all new meals with large ingredient lists that you have to buy all or most of. Once you have your menu, confirm what items you already have in your cupboards and refrigerator, put together a shopping list and stick to it. Make sure you take into account breakfast, lunch and some snacks too. To help with my menu, I purchased a small magnetic white board for my fridge. I found it on Amazon for $18.95.  This menu is GREAT, it keeps me on track with what I'm cooking, helps me remember if I need to grab something out of the freezer and lets my husband know whats for dinner. If he knows whats for dinner, he's great about getting dinner started.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Starting my frugal Journey - all over again

I've been on the frugal train a number of times over the years, and over the past year we have let some of our frugal ways slip. This year has been a year of changes, we bought a house, a car and had a baby. Our budget is pushed to the limit and we're looking for ways to trim the 'fat' off it.

Just before our second wedding anniversary my husband and I got bit by the house bug and we bought a house. This house was okay for the first year or two and then we realized we made a HUGE mistake. We hated the house's location, the house was built in the 1880's and needed a ton of work and we found that prior repairs to the house were done wrong. We sunk quite a bit of money into the house for new repairs and to redo repairs. The only good thing about the house was its proximity to my work. It was only a 20 minute walk, this allowed me to not only get exercise but save on purchasing a monthly parking pass.

We realized we didn't get a great deal on our house and looking back on it felt pressured to buy quickly. After that experience we changed real estate agents and shopped around for a mortgage. We decided to hold off on seriously looking for houses because we had to sell our house first. It took almost 6 months before our buyer made an offer. Then the whirl wind began, we looked at 30-40 houses. Our home was a house that we put on the list to see at the last minute and doubted we'd actually like it. The item that got it on the list was the wood stove. My husband and I both thought that would be wonderful to have a wood stove. Once we saw the house, even though it wasn't the two story classic house we had been looking for, we realized immediately, it was perfect. We came in under asking and on February 14th the seller accepted our offer. Then on February 17th we found out we were pregnant.

We took a mortgage that was a little higher than we wanted but didn't mind because we had enough room in our budget to absorb this and still have money left over to keep adding to our savings. Then in October just before our son was born, we decided to take the step to purchase an SUV. We needed an SUV to make it up and down the hill to our house, without it my husband wouldn't be able to get into work.

Then my son was born at the end of October. Thankfully, my husband and I were very conscious of the fact that we would have medical bills. We saved throughout the year and knew we had the money for the bills so we could pay them as soon as they came in.

Unfortunately, taking on a higher mortgage, purchasing a car and having the expenses of a child have strained our budget significantly. It didn't help that my company only pays my salary at a percentage. Thankfully, we worked hard to plan ahead and have been able to stay current on all our bills, however, to do so we've had to dip into our savings. Now we need to go back to being incredibly frugal and building our savings back up. Which is one reason I've started writing this blog,  I want to chronicle my journey and hopefully help others by discussing my successes and failures. Because let's be real- not everything we try is a success.

Dishwasher Disaster Averted

Phew, we didn't lose power. We did get a lot of sleet and freezing rain and only about 2 inches of snow.

Today's post is about my dishwasher (almost) Disaster. In one of my prior posts I mentioned that my dishwasher broke. This is a perfect example of researching all of your options before you go for the most expensive one.

On Sunday, three weeks ago, after cooking up multiple meals for the week, I ran the dishwasher and thought it sounded funny. When it finished, the dishes were not clean. Turns out the funny noise was the dishwasher unsuccessfully trying to draw water.  So, not only did I have two full dishwasher loads of dishes but my husband had to go to work. So, I was alone with all those dishes and my little man. After a frantic call to my step-father-in-law, who is a handy man, and about 10 minutes of poor-pitiful me, I started in on the dishes. I had to stop often for my little guy, so, it took me hours to get them all done.

My step-father-in-law was able to come up the next Friday to look at it.  He wasn't sure what was wrong but felt that it might be the float valve. So, I ordered the Switch Flood Assembly, its what GE calls the float valve on this model. It came in the mail on Saturday and my step-father-in-law came up the next day. He was able to switch the part out in about 10 minutes and my dishwasher was fixed. I was so thankful, it had been three weeks of doing dishes by hand, that I started to tear up. I was also grateful we could get it fixed for a fraction of the cost of a new one. I got the part directly from GE & with shipping it only cost $52.20.

The switch flood appeared to have some type of build-up on it and had the float had stopped moving. So, it wasn't opening to pull water in. The part itself doesn't seem damaged, so, I'm going to try and clean it with vinegar. If it seems to work, I'll save it as a spare in case this ever happens again.

Being able to find a cost effective replacement part was such a relief! My husband and I are trying to cut our expenses, so, having to buy a new dishwasher would have been a huge hit to our budget.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Storm Prep

Tonight we'll be getting hit with a Nor'Easter, so, I'm in the middle of storm prep. I know it seems like I'm focused on this quite a bit since I also did a power outage post, but in our area of the country it's important to be prepared. The storm forecast is for winds of 30-40 mph, sleet, freezing rain and 3-6 inches of snow.

Storm Prep List:

  1. Fill all water bottles/buckets
  2. Bring wood in (for our wood stove)
  3. Water plants/fill humidifiers
  4. All laundry done
  5. Run dishwasher / wash all bottles
  6. Get all flashlights around- place 1 next to bed and the rest on kitchen table
  7. Check on spare batteries- have enough?
  8. Check pantry- make sure stocked w/necessities
  9. Charge all electronics- tablets and phones
  10. Animals Ready- fill guinea pig water bottle / fill dog dish / put shovel next to back door to shovel path for dog to go outside

 I got most of it done during my lunch time but the dishes and filling all the water containers until my little man went to bed. During my prep I found one of the flashlights were dead and we didn't have any spare 6-volt batteries.

The last thing I did was make sure that I had showered and had given my little guy a bath. If you are without power and water you'll have to go without showers.

I'm posting this tonight because if I don't have power tomorrow when I wake up, my internet will be down and I don't want to waste my phone battery on non-essentials, like checking when the power will come back on.

Multiple Meals with this Delicious 3 Ingredient Chicken

My idea of a perfect meal is one that has few ingredients, doesn't take a master chef to make and tastes delicious. So, when I found a recipe for BBQ Italian Chicken, it was love at first taste. It's three ingredients: Italian dressing, BBQ sauce and chicken.

Italian BBQ Chicken

1 Cup Italian Dressing
1 Cup BBQ Sauce
3-4 Chicken Breast (I usually use 4)

Put all ingredients in crock pot and cook on low for 6-7 hours or high for 3-4 hours. 

Serve with a side of your choice. 

What makes me love this recipe even more is its leftover potential. I've used it for leftovers in multiple ways. One of my favorites is to cut the chicken up, heat it with the juices in a frying pan. We eat it over rice or alone with baked beans. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

7 Essential Ways To Prepare For A Power Outage

Last week we had a snow storm roll through with wet, heavy snow, which caused us to lose power. The storm was worse than the forecast had anticipated and I wasn't prepared. Thankfully, we had the power back a few hours later. However, it reminded me to never take having electricity for granted and that there were things I needed to do to be prepared for a possible power outage. There are so many things that we use daily, without giving them a thought, that run on electricity.

1. The toilets-  your toilet won't be able to draw water and refill the tank when you flush. So, you'll need to have a few buckets of water handy to dump in the toilet bowl in order to flush them. If you live in a snowy climate (and there is snow on the ground) you won't have to worry about this, just bring in buckets of snow and let them melt.

2. Flashlights- I know this is a given but it's a biggie. Do you have kids that are scared of the dark? Well, when the power is out that nightlight isn't going to work.

3. Spare batteries- the flashlights don't run on air. 😉

4. Water-  You'll need water to drink and most wells or water systems run on an electric pump. Make sure to have at least a few gallons of water on hand.

5. Warm items- this one is a little generic because everyone's heating is a little different. If you don't have a wood stove you'll be without heat when the power goes out. So, if you have a wood stove, make sure you have a lot of wood ready to go. If you don't, make sure you have blankets, warm clothes and/or a place to go that does have heat.

6. Food- when you stock up on food, make sure it's something you can eat without warming it up. Unless you have a wood stove, you can't heat anything up. Stock up on things like bread, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, and fresh fruit/veggies. You can also get some items like yogurt- these will stay good in the refrigerator for a little while. Each refrigerator is  different but usually if you keep the door closed,as much as possible, it'll stay cool for 12-24 hours. If it's cold outside you can also put some of your stuff outside in the snow to keep it good longer. Or you can put some snow in a cooler & put your refrigerated stuff in with it.

7. Fully charge your electronics. If you know a storm is coming make sure everything has a fully charged battery. You'll need to be able to look online to check the status of getting power back on and you'll need your phone if you have to call emergency services for some reason.

and a note to lactating moms: make sure your baby eats from both breasts, even if you have to pull him off one to latch onto the other. Remember, your breast pump won't work and not emptying your breasts will become painful.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Delicious Pasta

I used to meal plan constantly and stock up on items that I knew me and my husband would eat. Unfortunately, when I got pregnant, I stopped doing that because I was so tired. However, now that the little man is here I'm back to meal planning and pinching every penny I can. 'Cause damn kids are expensive.

So this post I'm going to talk about one meal that I make that is will be three meals for the hubby and I. It's a zucchini, mushroom and pasta dish. I love it! I found the recipe from Damn Delicious

The original recipe calls for:

1 pound pasta
2 zucchini chunked
1 bag frozen peas
16 oz cremini mushrooms
2 cloves garlic sliced
4 1/2 cups water
3/4 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Now the recipe that DD gives says to put the water, garlic, mushrooms, peas, zucchini and pasta in the pot. Once the water is reduced then add the heavy cream and parm cheese. Having it this way is declicious. It'll come out looking like this:

I make it this way the first night, and then the second night to change it up I put in some sweet Italian sausage in it. I usually use the sausage patties and break them apart but you can use anything type that you want.

Once the sausage is cooked heat the leftover pasta in a large sauce pan. Add the sausage, some more cream and parm cheese to it. Turn the burner to a medium low heat- you want it to heat up all the way through without burning the bottom. Make sure to stir often. Once it's heated all the way through enjoy. This meal feeds the two of us for 3-4 nights, depending on how much is eaten for lunch.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

New Years Resolution

Like I said yesterday, I have had some challenges with keeping up on the blog. I'm going to try and do at least one post a day because I really want to make a go at blogging. So, today's post is going to be about the workout routine I stopped doing after two weeks. Unfortunately, I was so overwhelmed with going back to work and taking care of my little bug that it fell by the wayside. Then two weeks ago when my dishwasher broke, it fell even further down the list of things on my to do list.

So, my New Years resolution is to start a fast and simple work out plan that is easy and can be built upon. I've searched Pinterest and found one that looks doable without a lot of fuss. It's 4 exercises done 4 times. It can't get much simpler then that. I will set a goal of doing the workout at least 4 times a week and adding in some cardio by walking (weather permitting). Since there is a theme of the number 4,  I'm going to do the work out for 4 weeks and see if it had any results. I'll report back weekly on my progress, The workout I found is below, It is from the site She Rocks Fitness, which can be found here,

Back At It…She ROCKS Workouts:

**Note: I am not being compensated in anyway to review this.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Losing One of My Best Friends

Well, my master plan of blogging, taking care of my son, keeping up with my housework and working full time was an utter failure. I haven't felt like blogging because I'm constantly so tired that I'm usually in bed and asleep before 9:30 pm.  We also had a loss in our family. My sweet dog of 10 years had to be put down two weeks ago. Two months ago he was diagnosed with lymphoma. We kept him comfortable for a month and a half. Unfortunately, we had to make the decision to put him down because he was in pain. At the end he couldn't get up on his own and had obvious discomfort when walking. For the last 10 years he was my friend, child and companion. Luke was my first child and left a significant mark on my life. So, I feel that it is up to me to tell his story.
Luke helping me make jewelry.

When I graduated from college my parents wanted to give me a special gift. Luke was a rescue dog from Virginia that ended up in Vermont. He was living with a dog trainer because he had some special needs due to prior abuse. Before ending up with the trainer Luke had 5 owners and his quirks had three families return him to the shelter. The trainer only allowed me to adopt Luke after I interviewing me and meeting my family. My parents picked him up from her three weeks before I was done with school. I came home the next weekend to bring home a load of stuff and to be with him.

Our first meeting was interesting, he was skittish and wanted nothing to do with me. That is until he saw me petting and loving the family cat. At that point he realized I was good people and we were bff's ever since. I found out quickly he was a one woman dog, and he merely tolerated everyone else. My poor, patient husband often found himself growled and barked at, especially if he was approaching me or entering a room I was in.

After my graduation, I moved back in with my parents (thankfully only for a short time, but that's another story). The first few weeks were an adjustment, he was only a year old and was full of energy. He loved running and playing fetch, he could chase a ball for hours. However, I soon found that he would start limping after these long hours. His back left hip would cause him pain, which for a young dog was not normal. I brought him to my family vet and they did x-rays on his hip. The x-ray showed that he had bone fragments and scar tissue between the head of his leg bone and the hip socket. The vet believed it was from prior abuse, likely being kicked. After discussing the risks and benefits, I had the vet surgically remove the fragments and scar tissue, which gave him more mobility and stopped him from being in pain.

The mental trauma was a fear he carried with him his entire life. Even though he was truly loved and given the best care, he was still scared of men and showed that fear by barking and growling. He would become very agitated when he felt cornered, he would bark and growl at the person he felt was cornering him. Thankfully, even though it never fully went away, it did lessen with time.

Being Luke's human changed my life. Trying to help him with his fears and insecurities gave me a first hand view of how abuse can leave a permanent mark. I will never view animal abuse or rescue animals the same way I did before Luke entered my life.

RIP Luke