Thursday, February 2, 2017

Freezer Failure

Today's post was supposed to be about couponing. I apologize but I'll be changing topics. The past 24-48 hours has been a commercial for Murphy's Law. Tuesday, we realized our large chest freezer wasn't working. How you ask? Well, when I went to pull my teriyaki chicken out for dinner it wasn't frozen. Then yesterday morning, I woke up with a tickle in my throat and by the end of the day it was a full blown head cold.

Even though I feel like crap, it's nothing compared to my frustration about losing our freezer.

This freezer was left to us by the previous owners. We were so excited to have a large chest freezer. We had thoughts of making a ton of freeze ahead meals and some of the extras from our garden. We had 10 pre-made meals, 2 pounds of hamburger and a turkey in the freezer. Sadly, we lost it all. We're not sure when it died so we aren't going to risk eating the food. It would be our luck this week, we'd eat it and get all three of us really sick. 

Thankfully, we still have our small chest freezer that we brought with us from our old house. So, we can still shop good meat sales and start building up our freezer meals again. 

I apologize that this is more of a venting post, but I needed a place to let it out. Losing that much food, the time, money and waste of it, makes me so sad and frustrated. Tomorrow, I'll be writing a post about making a menu for the week.

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