Saturday, July 16, 2016

Working Through It

I've taken a hard look at myself, I didn't really like what I saw. I had become complacent in my life and just went with the flow. Thankfully this was mostly contained to my personal life. I am done binge watching shows, and since my last post have kept my house, including my dishes clean. 

I realized that just getting up and moving is great progress because it motivated me toward doing more. For example: Once done loading the dishwasher I didn't want the counter next to the sink to be dirty or cluttered so I cleaned that as well. My working around the house has also motivated my husband as well, not only is he helping me but during one of his scheduled days off he started sorting through boxes and cleaning the basement. 

I understand that depression can be debilitating and many (most) need professional help to get through it, but if you have a case of the little blues (just feeling crappy not full blown depression) get up and move, exercise, go for a walk, get out of your house somehow. It will help, especially the walking or the exercising because it will release endorphin's that improve your mood. 

Now don't think I'm advocating for skipping treatment from a doctor for depression if you have it, I'm NOT. Depression is a very scary and as I said above debilitating condition and that is not what I'm discussing in this post. I'm talking about feeling down about yourself or giving into the laziness that your feeling. 

Well it's another sunny Saturday and I'm going to go enjoy my day. Good luck with getting moving. 

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