Monday, May 30, 2016

The Beginning!

After seven years of being unhappy where we lived my husband and I made the huge decision to sell our home and buy a new one. We lived in the middle of a larger city on a VERY small piece of property (it was barely big enough to park two cars). We needed to get out of the city, at first it had been great, we could walk downtown and go to the bars or concerts and other events, but after a while it got boring and costly. So, we decided to move out to the country. We found an amazing piece of property with a gorgeous house. We bit the bullet and went for it. 

Our goal is to become much more self-sufficient. To that end we have started our garden. 

You're probably wondering how we plan to be self-sufficient with such a small garden. The answer is this year we aren't planning that. We didn't want to try to over extend too much this first year for a few reasons: 

1. This is our first time really having a garden and we wanted to start smaller and then move up. 

2. We are expecting our first child in October and with me being hot and uncomfortable in the fall, I will likely not be that into helping my husband pick/harvest and store everything. And finally; 

3. We had to buy all of our plants this year. Given our moving timeline we were unable to start our plants from  scratch like we wanted too. 

Coming up

Over the next few weeks I'll be posting on the following topics: my difficulty getting pregnant, our plans to be self-sufficient, our budgeting plan, how I'm working to bring in extra money, my meal prep/plans and I'll throw in a few other random topics that catch the attention of my crazy pregnant brain.